If Not, Winter. Fragments of Sappho

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From poet and classicist Anne Carson comes this beautiful translation of the work of Sappho, along with the original Greek text.

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Anne Carson, a poet and classicist, beautifully translates the work of Sappho, an ancient poet from the island of Lesbos.

Sappho is known for composing nine books of lyrics during her lifetime, although only one complete poem has been preserved. In If Not, Winter, Carson presents all the surviving fragments of Sappho's poetry, using brackets and white space to indicate missing text, allowing readers to envision the poems in their original form. Carson's translation method aims to let Sappho's voice shine through.

The book explores Sappho's thoughts on love, desire, relationships, and even interactions with goddesses and her own daughter. It's an intimate portrayal of an ancient poet brought to life by a contemporary translator, with an introduction and notes to guide readers through Sappho's world.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Poezie
Autor: Anne Carson
Jazyk: anglicky
Literární žánr: poezie
Nakladatel: Virago
Počet stran: 402
Rok vydání: 2003
EAN: 9781844080816

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