Romantický příběh chlapce Micaha, jenž ze stydlivosti místo rande akorát kreslí portréty kluků, kteří se mu líbí, a sdílí je na Instagramu. Najde se mezi nimi ale ten pravý?
Randění + sex = láska. Nebo ne vždycky? Populární román autorky bestsellerové série Srdcerváči, který objevuje lásku v rámci aromantičnosti a asexuality.
Two boys meet and quickly become friends. As their friendship grows, they realize there may be something more between them. This LGBTQ+ graphic novel explores life, love, and...
Two boys meet and become fast friends. As their bond deepens, they realize they're falling in love. Join them on their journey through life, love, and everything that comes...