
V této kategorii najdete široké spektrum knih o různorodosti lidské mysli. Vybraly jsme tituly od inspirativních příběhů až po odborné publikace, které osvětlují a destigmatizují neurodiverzitu – například poruchy autistického spektra, ADHD, dyslexii nebo hypersenzitivitu. Ale je toho mnohem víc. ♾️🌈


81HNwPVLmbL. SL1500
Everything Is an Emergency
Skladem (1 ks)
Kód: 4393
619 Kč
61gwyTDSnBL. SL1500
The Highly Sensitive Child
Skladem (1 ks)
Kód: 3736
479 Kč
61Vh82IPLoL. SL1277
499 Kč
Beyond Borderline
Skladem (1 ks)
Kód: 3634
599 Kč
539 Kč
Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder
519 Kč
71iPE+jYu9L. SL1500
The Adult Side of Dyslexia
Skladem (2 ks)
Kód: 3472
479 Kč
81YEDKeiOvL. SL1500
629 Kč
71LpQ2k5iWL. SL1400
Stop Walking on Eggshells
Skladem (2 ks)
Kód: 3451
539 Kč
71LhPllVUPL. SL1500
I Hate You – Don't Leave Me
Skladem (2 ks)
Kód: 3373
569 Kč
41 položek celkem
81HNwPVLmbL. SL1500
619 Kč

What is life with OCD like? This book with it's simple but charming illustrations will give you a peek, or provide validation.

Kód: 4393
61gwyTDSnBL. SL1500
479 Kč

Helping Our Children Thrive When the World Overwhelms Them A practical guide for parents of highly sensitive children.

Kód: 3736
61Vh82IPLoL. SL1277
499 Kč

This practical guide focuses on dyslexia in adults, particularly in the work place. It shares tips on how to better organise work and time, how to deal with shame and also...

Kód: 3715
Beyond Borderline
Skladem (1 ks)
599 Kč

True Stories of Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder Dealing with BPD can present numerous challenges in life and relationships. This book offers guidance for...

Kód: 3634
539 Kč

Relieve Your Suffering Using the Core Skill of Dialectical Behavior Therapy A practical guide for people with BPD that will compassionately help them learn how to tackle some...

Kód: 3631
Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder
519 Kč

How to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship A practical guide for partners or people otherwise close to someone dealing with BPD.

Kód: 3625
71iPE+jYu9L. SL1500
479 Kč

Dyslexia isn't just a children's issue. One doesn't "grow out" of it. This book explores what life as a dyslexic adult is like and offers guidance to navigate through life.

Kód: 3472
81YEDKeiOvL. SL1500
629 Kč

An Integrative Program to Understand and Manage Your BPD Introducing an innovative, integrative approach to managing your borderline personality disorder (BPD).  

Kód: 3457
71LpQ2k5iWL. SL1400
539 Kč

Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly walking on eggshells around your loved one with BPD? Discover how you can navigate this challenging situation.  

Kód: 3451
71LhPllVUPL. SL1500
569 Kč

Third Edition: Understanding the Borderline Personality The newly updated and expanded third edition of the popular guide to understanding borderline personality disorder...

Kód: 3373
61G1Nt9bLFL. SL1500
419 Kč

Finding your comfort zone Join two friends and their meerkat on a journey to understanding feelings and emotions.

Kód: 3331
419 Kč

A Practical Handbook for Autistic Teens and Tweens A supportive guide for autistic kids and teens that will help them embrace who they are and love themselves and their...

Kód: 3328
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