Discover the enchanting world of Alice in Wonderland, a timeless phenomenon that has fascinated everyone from Walt Disney to Tim Burton for over 150 years.
A highly topical look at the role of art and the importance of creativity in our lives and the wider world.
Art, in its widest sense, encompasses many different forms, from...
An exciting global exploration of how modern artists incorporate text and the written word into their work to address some of the key issues facing us in the 21st century.
Biografie slavného rakouského expresionisty Egona Schiele, jehož portréty charakterizuje neklid a výrazná barevnost a jeho deformované postavy se vzpírají tradičnímu pojetí...
Get ready to meet the most impressive up-and-coming talents in contemporary art! Discover 107 artists born since 1980 who are making waves in the art world, handpicked by a...